In the “Office Space” printer scene, Peter and Michael are in the basement trying to destroy a printer that has been giving them trouble. After several failed attempts, they finally succeed in breaking it into pieces. As they are about to leave, they hear someone coming down the stairs.
They hide behind some boxes and wait for the person to pass by. It turns out to be their boss, Bill Lumbergh.
The printer scene in Office Space is one of the most iconic movie scenes of all time. In the scene, Michael Bolton (played by David Herman) is trying to print out a document and the printer keeps jamming. He gets so frustrated that he eventually kicks the printer and yells, “I hate this f**king machine!”
The scene perfectly captures the frustrations that many of us have felt at work when dealing with technology that just doesn’t seem to work right. It’s also a great example of how even the simplest things can drive us crazy when we’re already stressed out.
If you’ve ever had a frustrating experience with a piece of office equipment, then you can relate to Michael Bolton in this scene.
And if you haven’t, then maybe it’s just because you haven’t been working in an office long enough!

What is the Office Space Printer Scene
In the movie Office Space, the printer scene is one of the most memorable and popular scenes. In this scene, the character Michael Bolton (played by David Herman) is trying to fix a jammed printer. He gets angry and frustrated, and eventually starts hitting the printer with a baseball bat.
The other characters try to stop him, but he continues to hit it until it finally breaks.
This scene is popular because it perfectly captures the frustration that many people feel when dealing with technology. It also shows how even small problems can become big ones when we’re not able to fix them ourselves.
Where Does the Office Space Printer Scene Take Place
The Office Space Printer Scene is set in a cubicle farm in an office building. The scene starts with Michael Bolton (played by David Herman) and Samir Nagheenanajar (played by Ajay Naidu) working at their desks. Michael is wearing a headset and typing on his computer, while Samir is talking on the phone and looking at some papers.
Suddenly, the printer in their cubicle starts making loud noises and printing out pages of gibberish. Michael and Samir try to stop it, but it keeps going until it runs out of paper. They then unplug it and take it outside to the parking lot, where they smash it with a baseball bat.
Who is in the Office Space Printer Scene
In the movie Office Space, Peter Gibbons (played by Ron Livingston) is fed up with his job and takes out his frustration on an office printer. He unplugs it, kicks it, and then repeatedly hits it with a baseball bat until it is completely destroyed. The scene has become iconic, and many people have wondered who was actually inside the printer during filming.
It turns out that the person inside the printer was none other than actor Ajay Naidu, who played one of Peter’s co-workers, Samir Nagheenanajar. In an interview with Mental Floss, Naidu revealed that he was not originally supposed to be in the scene at all—the plan was for him to simply voice-over Peter’s destruction of the printer. But when the director saw how much fun Naidu was having while they were filming another scene, he asked if he wanted to be in the Office Space printer scene as well.
Of course, Naidu said yes—and the rest is history.
So there you have it: Ajay Naidu was the lucky guy who got to play office worker turned vengeful destroyer in one of the most memorable scenes from Office Space.
What Happens in the Office Space Printer Scene
In the Office Space Printer Scene, Michael is in the process of destroying a printer that he believes is possessed by a demon. He stabs it with a knife, and then repeatedly hits it with a baseball bat. The other characters try to stop him, but he is determined to destroy the printer.
In the end, the printer is destroyed and Michael is arrested.
Office Space – Printer Scene (UNCENSORED)
Song from Office Space Printer Scene
If you’re a fan of the movie Office Space, then you’re probably familiar with the famous printer scene. In this scene, the character Peter Gibbons (played by actor Ron Livingston) is so fed up with his office job and the constant malfunctioning of his office printer that he takes it out into the parking lot and destroys it with a baseball bat.
This scene has become iconic for many fans of the film, and the song that plays during it (“Still” by Geto Boys) only adds to its hilarity and appeal.
If you’re curious about this song and its place in pop culture history, read on for more information.
The “Still” song was released in 1989 as part of Geto Boys’ album Grip It! On That Other Level.
The song was written by group member Brad Jordan (aka Scarface) and produced by fellow group member Willie D. It’s a slow-paced track with dark lyrics that perfectly fit the tone of Office Space.
The original version of “Still” is actually pretty different from the version used in Office Space. In fact, it’s almost unrecognizable!
The filmmakers behind Office Space took some liberties with the song, editing it down significantly and speeding up the tempo to make it more comedic (and less creepy).
Despite its dark subject matter, “Still” became a bit of an underground hit thanks to its use in Office Space. And these days, whenever someone mentions the movie or that infamous scene, chances are good that someone else will start singing this catchy tune.
Office Space Printer Scene Based on
The Office Space printer scene is one of the most memorable and quotable scenes in the movie. In the scene, Peter and his coworkers are trying to figure out how to get rid of a broken printer that they can’t seem to get rid of. They end up putting it in an empty office space, and when they come back, the printer is gone.
The following quotes are from the scene:
“So I’m supposed to just take this thing apart?” – Peter
“I don’t see why not. It’s not like we’re using it.” – Michael
“It’s still plugged in.” – Dwight
“Oh yeah, that’s right.” – Michael
“Really? You guys want me to just unplug it?” – Peter
Office Space Printer Scene Gif
In the movie Office Space, there is a scene where the character Milton Waddams is using a printer. The gif shows his frustration as the printer keeps jammed.
Office Space – Printer Scene Song Lyrics
In the 1999 cult classic film Office Space, there is a scene where the characters Michael Bolton and Samir Nagheenanajar are destroying a printer. The song that plays during this scene is “Livin’ on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi.
The lyrics to this song are as follows:
We’re half way there
Livin’ on a prayer
Take my hand and we’ll make it – I swear
The Office Space Printer Scene is a hilarious scene from the movie Office Space. In the scene, the character Milton Waddams (played by Stephen Root) is trying to destroy a printer with a baseball bat because it keeps jamming. The other characters try to stop him, but he’s so angry that he doesn’t care.
He eventually destroys the printer and then walks away calmly. The scene is memorable for its hilarity and for Milton’s complete lack of concern for what he’s done.