The Social Security Administration (SSA) updates their computer systems regularly to ensure that they are providing the most accurate information possible to those who rely on them. However, there are times when these updates can cause disruptions in service. The SSA typically announces any planned system outages at least one week in advance, so that people can plan accordingly.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) updates its computer systems regularly. The SSA began updating its records in December 2010 and completed the process in March 2011. While the SSA does not give a specific date for when it will next update its system, it is likely that the agency will do so sometime in the future.

How Often Does Social Security Update?
The Social Security Administration (SSA) updates its records annually to reflect changes in family status, earnings, and benefits. The SSA typically announces these updates in early spring.
For example, the SSA updated its records in March of 2020 to account for changes in cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs), which are used to calculate benefits for retired and disabled workers.
The SSA also uses COLAs to adjust the payroll tax thresholds for inflation.
While the SSA update schedule is generally annual, there have been occasions where more frequent updates have been necessary. For instance, after the September 11th terrorist attacks in 2001, the SSA began issuing monthly benefit payments to survivors of victims who died as a result of the attacks.
How Do I Know If My Social Security is Being Processed?
When you file for Social Security, the process can take a little time. Here are a few ways to check on the status of your application:
The first way to check is online.
You can create an account at and login to view the progress of your claim. If you cannot create an online account, you can still get information about your claim by calling the Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778).
Another way to track your claim is through your my Social Security account if you are receiving benefits or have applied for them in the past 12 months.
When you log in, under the Message Center on the right side of the page, you will see any messages that SSA has sent you about your claim. These might include updates on processing times or requests for additional information.
You should also receive correspondence from SSA in the mail letting you know what is happening with your claim.
This might come in the form of award letters or notices requesting additional information. Be sure to open and read all correspondence from SSA so that you do not miss anything important!
What are the Social Security Changes for 2022?
The Social Security changes for 2022 are as follows:
1. The full retirement age will increase from 67 to 68.
2. The early retirement age will remain at 62.
3. The maximum social security tax will increase from $811.70 to $824.40 per month.
4. The monthly benefit for a retired worker will increase by $20, to $1,532 per month.
What Changes are Coming for Social Security Recipients?
The Social Security Administration has announced several changes that will affect recipients in 2019. The most notable change is an increase in benefits. The average recipient will see a 2.8% increase in their monthly payments, the largest since 2015.
Other changes include:
– Cost of living adjustments to Social Security taxes and benefits
– An increase in the amount of earnings subject to Social Security taxes
– Modifications to the special minimum benefit formula
Social Security Payment Schedule for October 2022 – SSA, SSDI, SSI
Social Security Updates 2022
Social Security Updates for 2022
The Social Security Administration has announced its updates for the 2022 social security program. Here are some of the key changes:
The cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for 2022 will be 1.3%. This means that social security benefits will go up by 1.3% next year. For a retiree receiving $1,000 per month in benefits, this would mean an extra $13 per month.
The social security wage base will increase to $142,800 in 2022. This is the amount of earnings subject to the social security payroll tax. The 2021 wage base was $137,700.
The full retirement age will remain at 66 for those born between 1943 and 1954. For those born in 1960 or later, the full retirement age is 67.
These are just a few of the changes coming to the social security program in 2022.
Be sure to stay up-to-date on all the latest news and information from the Social Security Administration so you can make informed decisions about your benefits.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) updates its computer systems every month on the third Wednesday. The update usually takes place between 1:00 am and 3:00 am Eastern Time. Any changes to benefits, including cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs), are reflected in these updates.